Mission Partners
Chris and Suzi Wilson

An update from Chris and Suzi - Christmas 2022
Dear friends.
We’ve spent the last month in the city of Bahir Dar in Northern Ethiopia to improve our Amharic and we both feel that we have made significant process over the last month. Suzy has been able to spend time in a few different schools, which has been really helpful as she is considering the possibility of starting to do some teaching in Addis. Bahir Dar is on the shores of Lake Tana and we able to take a boat trip to an Orthodox monastery on one of the islands, visit the impressive Blue Nile Falls and spend time with friends here.
In December, Chris hopes to return to Assosa to run a training course for refugee church leaders.
Please pray:
That Chris would get permission to enter the refugee camp, for safe travels, for a successful training course and for good relationships to develop as leaders from 4-5 churches whom we haven’t worked with before join the training.
For wisdom as Chris seeks to discern whether it is right to commit to running more training in this camp next year and, if so, how to do that well.
The good friend coming from Kenya to stay with us over Christmas. Please pray that this time together would be a blessing for us all.
Many thanks for all your support and prayers, Chris and Suzy.
Nick and Catherine Dryson
CMS Mission Partners - Argentina - Christmas 2022
Our dear Friends.
Christmas is one of the times of year when we feel most differences between Argentina and UK – weather, traditions, food and materialism! But the message of good news which the angels announce is the same as ever, and in all the world.
“Thanks be to God for His gift that is too wonderful for words!” (2 Cor 9.15 CEV)
We thank God for His presence in this challenging year. We are grateful that the big meetings (Lambeth, Indigenous Congress, Diocesan Synod, Chorote anniversary etc) have gone well, but also that we survived the many “smaller” personal commitments. We continue to seek God’s strength as we face the challenges of packing up and saying goodbyes, whilst continuing with several new responsibilities! We leave Argentina to return to UK in June.
Thanks as ever for your prayers.
A very happy Christmas and joyful new year,
With much love,
Nick and Catherine.